Annexx Bordeaux - Lac
9.5/10 (427 avis)15 Rue Francis Garnier
33300 Bordeaux Lac
05 57 10 09 09
Book online
and save up to
Alarm in every unit
No commitment contract
Video surveillance 24/7
0,5 to 3 m2
1 to 8,1 m3
3,5 to 6 m2
9,5 to 16,2 m3
6,5 to 9,5 m2
17,6 to 25,7 m3
10 to 16 m2
27 to 43,2 m3
17 m2 and +
45,9 m3 and +
7 sizes available
6 sizes available
6 sizes available
6 sizes available
9 sizes available
For every other sizes, even higher than 29m², contact us at 05 57 10 09 09
Tarifs et promotions garantis pour 30 jours à compter de la date de réservation. La signature du contrat doit être effectuée dans les 30 jours suivants la réservation pour bénéficier de l’offre. La date de prise de possession du box peut-être au-delà de ces 30 jours. Réservation, modification et annulation gratuites. Aucun numéro de carte de crédit n’est demandé. Pour modifier la taille de votre box de stockage, contactez le 05 57 10 09 09.
Les promotions n'incluent pas le prix du cadenas ni la couverture d'assurance.
Storage units from 1m² to 22m²
Height of the unit 2.70 m
No administration fees or security deposit
65 Rte du bord de l'eau
33270 Bouliac
If you are looking for a dependable and convenient way to store your belongings, self storage units can be an excellent option for you. Many individuals choose self storage units for the following reasons:
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Do you offer spaces for parking boats/cars/motorcycles?
In the majority of our centers, we offer rental spaces for most vehicles, provided that they are registered, insured, and in a roadworthy condition.
To find out more, contact our advisors.
Do you want to store tires in a storage unit? That's possible! For safety reasons, you cannot store more than 4 tires in a unit.
Can I access my unit at night?
You can access your storage unit from 6am to 11pm, 7 days a week, in most centers. For extended access, please contact your advisor. Our reception areas are open from Monday to Friday from 9am to 12:30pm and from 1:15pm to 5:30pm, and on Saturday from 9am to 1pm.
How do you fight against rodents? Do you ensure site cleanliness?
Each Annexx building is treated against rodents and pests every month. In order to deter these pests, we prohibit the storage of non-hermetically sealed foodstuffs.
How can I change my insurance?
Annexx offers insurance specifically for storage. To modify an insurance contract taken out with Annexx at the time of signing your contract, please contact our advisors.
Can I buy moving boxes and supplies on site?
Yes. All of our Annexx centers have a moving supply store located in the Reception area. We offer all the packaging, protection, and boxes you need to move stress-free. With our Click & Collect system, order your supplies on our website and pick them up at the Annexx center of your choice whenever you want!
Did you know? We've designed a list of necessary materials based on the amount of belongings you need to store (more info: How many boxes to plan for?).
What are the terms and conditions for termination?
Annexx contracts are non-binding. You can terminate your contract whenever you want! To do so, go to your Customer Space or contact the advisors at your Annexx center by email or phone and indicate the desired departure date.
Remember: you must inform your advisors at least 15 days before your departure date to comply with the notice period.
Did you know?
If your actual departure date is between the 1st and the 14th of the month, your contract will end on the 15th.
If your actual departure date is between the 15th and the last day of the month, your contract will end on the last day of the month.
05 February 2025
22 January 2025
21 January 2025
15 January 2025
Rappeler gentiment car leurs mails avaient atterris dans mes spams. Pas de pression ni de reproches, au contraire, des compléments ou rappels d'in...
02 January 2025
Elles ont toujours présentes et à notre écoute avec bienveillance et amabilité et très professionnelles😍
Annexx Bordeaux - Lac
Rates and promotions guaranteed for 30 days from the reservation date. The contract must be signed within 30 days of the reservation to benefit of the offer. The date of unit occupancy can be beyond these 30 days. Free reservation, modification and cancellation. No credit card number is required for a reservation. To change the size of your storage unit, contact 05 57 10 09 09.
Offers and promotions do not include the price of the padlock or the insurance coverage.
Prices and promotions guaranteed for 30 days from the date of reservation. The contract must be signed within 30 days of the reservation to benefit from the offer. The date of taking possession of the unit may be beyond these 30 days. Reservation, modification, and cancellation are free. No credit card number is required for a reservation. To change the size of your storage unit, contact 05 57 10 09 09.
Offers and promotions do not include the price of the padlock or the insurance coverage.